Jotai atoms provide a basic solution to optimize re-renders. Atoms defined globally can depend on other atoms, but they can't depend on props and state within a component tree. It's possible to define atoms within a component tree, but then you would need to pass those atoms in some ways (for example, atoms-in-atom.)
jotai-molecules is a third-party library to help such use cases.
See Motivation for more details.
yarn add jotai-molecules
Counter Example
import { atom, useAtom } from 'jotai'import {molecule,useMolecule,createScope,ScopeProvider,} from 'jotai-molecules'const InitialCountScope = createScope(0)const countMolecule = molecule((getMol, getScope) => {const initialCont = getScope(InitialCountScope)return atom(initialCont)})const Counter = () => {const countAtom = useMolecule(countMolecule)const [count, setCount] = useAtom(countAtom)return (<div>{count} <button onClick={() => setCount((c) => c + 1)}>+1</button></div>)}const App = () => (<div><h1>With initial value 1</h1><ScopeProvider scope={InitialCountScope} value={1}><Counter /><Counter /></ScopeProvider><h1>With initial value 2</h1><ScopeProvider scope={InitialCountScope} value={2}><Counter /><Counter /></ScopeProvider><h1>Default</h1><Counter /><Counter /></div>)